Aion - Happy Times! not...
In these modern times, you can be entertained everywhere, and anytime...
So what makes a seemingly normal person decide to spend hours and hours waiting for Aion to finish its Queue so that they are able to actually LOG INTO the fucking game to play and level up their characters?
Is it because the game has beautifully designed 3d models with lush and colourful textures, tons and tons of quests (some of them even require you to arrive at a specific moment in time in order to finish the quest... Oh the joy of having to wait for nightfall!)
or is it perhaps because this game allows you to relive the wonderful moments you had spent in Lineage2 fighting off the hordes and hordes of strangely named BOTS that roam the land and kill anything that moves and breathes? (including the 10th and last quest mob that you have been searching for, for hours, to complete the quest that required you to show up at precisely 19:01, gametime...)

What is it with Aion that makes us willing to endure a world where the players around us have odd names that cant be pronounced, and where everyone and their mother will make a midget character (no ill will towards midgets of the real world, all of you little people have my highest, no pun intended, respect :P )

So I ask again, what is it about Aion that is so great that it makes us wait through hours and hours of Queues every day so that we can log in and get our daily mmorpg-fix?
What is it about Aion that makes us desire it so much that we prefer the Queue over any other mmorpg that we can just load up and log straight into?
What is it about Aion that we prefer sitting in the Queue while watching a rerun of Oprah's just to kill time while waiting for the fucking game to log us in?
I have no idea cause I cancelled my account today :P
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